Dearest Mac


Where do I even begin. I first found out about you being knitted in my womb on September 27th 2018, while going into a surgery for my broken fingers. Never shall I slam a door!

I was shocked, but elated to know that our family was growing! We announced you as our soon to be bundle during Christmas. Mere-mere would tell you that she already knew.

When I shared the news with your siblings, Emmanuel was sure you were going to be his little brother (remember we don’t know). He told me he couldn’t bare another sister. Well if he wasn’t right! Oh so very excited, as was Emelia. To her you were so tiny that she could play with you like you were her personal baby. We were so excited to take you home. Thing is not long after we were met with a few hiccups in the medical department. Boy did we have lots of doctor visits. You were a champion from the start. It wasn’t until I tried to go back to work and you had turned 5 months that we found out about your leukemia. For some reason I had been keeping track of all you had gone through. At the same time, I was most certain that God was going to use you, Mac for a very special reason. I chose to share your story with family and friends, but with a twist. I wanted to make sure that we spoke Jesus with each post. I mean sure a story about my sick child, but from a perspective that gave glory to God always. 

I finally had at this point chosen your nickname Mac, like a Mack truck. You were our biggest baby, weighing 8 lbs 11oz. 

I miss you so much love bug. You went through so much for so long and you fought the good fight. I could not have been prouder. The joy and love you shared was contagious. We selfishly desired to have you with us for a very long time. Yet we didn’t want you to suffer, so we understood that meant you may have to leave us. Know that you had a prayer chain, that could potentially have wrapped around the world. Letting go of you was not easy, but remembering you will be. The house is quite now, and I know that it may get harder as time pass. Knowing that you are with Jesus, along with your older sibling is the sweetest of thoughts. Our hope had always been in God, and we say thank you for bringing me, your mom and so many closer to Jesus.

I love you, Mom


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