Manny’s Golden birthday

Good morning. I attempted to get a jump start at today’s post. Today my first born, Emmanuel turns 5. It’s also special as it’s his golden birthday, as he was born on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo. 
Currently I sit with our youngest Mac, as we pray for his counts to improve, so we can go home! 
In the meantime I had the ingenious plan to create a socially distant party parade plan for Manny. He has no idea! I can’t wait to see his expression. 
As I love traditions and sticking to some sort of order, in the mix of chaos, I of course wanted to write a letter to my sweet boy.

To my big boy,
Where should I begin?
My dear sweet Manny,
 It was actually 6 years ago that your daddy and I were only a few weeks away from being husband and wife. We knew we wanted to have kids, and we were going to allow and trust in God to decide exactly when. Well no later did we celebrate pere-pere’s birthday was it my surprise that God was beginning to physically knit you in my womb. Your dad was super excited as I shared this news on his birthday. The next 9 months waiting on you would be almost like a blur. I went into labor the day before, on the 4th, and labored mostly at home. We had some of our family over to check in on me (mere-mere, Titi, ayeya, Tia Willis). Finally I knew it was time, I woke your dad up and we went into the hospital. At 8:54am you entered this world and made us a mommy and daddy. Our lives are forever changed. Running behind you, constantly taking pictures, watching you smile. Today you turn 5, and I am so very proud of you and I can’t wait to see what you do next.
You are so very kind and adore your baby brother. I know it’s a work in progress but be patient with your sister. She is the only one you got. 
To my
✳️bike riding
✳️thrill seeking
✳️tender heart
✳️loves to read
✳️next musician

Is there anything you don’t want to do, because I’m sure the stars are yours each time you jump. I see so much of myself of me in you. Even though it makes me nervous when you want to try something new, I will do my best to protect you but let you soar little by little on your own.
Pere-pere use to tell me always ‘don’t do like me, do better than me’. I pray that Jesus will shine through me and daddy, and you will one day love Him as much as He loves you. 
So happy 5th birthday...
I am so excited to know how thrilled you were for your superhero parade!
Love mommy



  2. I pray that Little Emerson is doing better post 4th chemo. Dosing. He is a trooper. Love ms. Sheryl


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