
Raise your hand if you like change? I’ve never been one to enjoy the concept of change, even if in the end it proved to be good. I mean let’s be honest if we knew what was to come there would be a lot less stress. 

As a parent change is a constant. 

food preference 

nap schedules

temperaments ➡️attitudes

Right now my family is in the position of changing Emerson’s immune system. Now what could I possibly mean by that. Well let me first update you on what’s been going on then we will return to the change!

✳️fevers 🌡have continued

  -they do not last all day, but they make him feel miserable 😭

✳️few episodes of 🤮, praising God for that

✳️after immense pushing from this doctor/mom 

  ultrasound done of his belly: showing small pocket of fluid, unsure if it’s pus. Plan is to communicate with surgery and possibly interventional radiology for drainage. 

  found a sore near his rectum (butthole), that is tender and feels like a small boil. 

     ✳️at this point:

-adding antibiotic (for broader explain would be like having class so I will explain simply by saying

   There are several types of bacteria, and different antibiotics work in different ways to get rid of the bacteria. Unfortunately the antibiotics he was on did not improve the initial redness to his skin nor did it prevent a pocket from forming. 

 -checking cultures for fungal infections

I know that’s a lot to take it, but remember you can leave a comment in form of a question. 

Right now Mac is sleeping peacefully in my arms, his favorite place and getting some medicine along with a feed via his tube. 

Now back to this topic of change. By God’s Grace and healing Emerson’s counts will recover and we will be moving to our next step which is bone marrow transplant. 

Now even as a medical provider and member of bone marrow registry I didn’t realize all the small details that go into it. I promise to create a post directly related to this, but for now I’m just going to touch the surface. 

So the plan is to change the foundation of Mac’s immune system. To do this properly Emerson’s current immune system will be wiped out, COMPLETLEY! Now with chemotherapy his immune system basically gets drained, primary with focus to kill cancer cells and allow for the bone marrow to produce normal cell line. Well with the medicine he will get, once he recovers with his counts from this round, will terminate his immune system. This will allow for new cells from the donor to implant and create a new foundation, sans cancer cells. AMAZING RIGHT?

I’m sure your wondering why the title Change? Well currently Mac is experiencing change in his treatment plan. We are tentatively planning on changing Mac’s immune system so that the leukemia will truly be in remission. 

I too am experiencing change. Change of heart. I admit to not enjoying the concept of change,  but I have been handed several hands of surprises and I have had to adjust my perspective. I know that I was not alone in that.  Change often times doesn’t feel good because it’s Christ way of refining you. I like analogy of a lump of coal, that could have hidden underneath it all a diamond. Now you may look at that lump and think nothing of it. The amazing thing is with time and change something beautiful will come.

Right now it’s so hard to see Emerson in pain, connected to medicines, and lines coming from his small body. I trust that the change that will come for Mac will be such a blessing.

How is Jesus changing you?

Father God, it doesn’t feel good when your changing us, or when the plans we think we have completely in order are interrupted. Often times we think we know better. Lord may we trust in your plan for our lives, and may we glorify you in all that you do. May your healing hands be upon Mac as he deals with some medical changes. Give wisdom to the medical staff who are caring for him. I pray for thus in Jesus name, Amen


  1. Emerson looks so great in his latest picture. I pray that all's going well and on schedule. We continue to keep the entire family in prayer.

  2. Good afternoon my beloved Emerson, this is T-Eunice. I was reading your story about change. The scripture that the Lord (Our Redeemer) brought to my mind was 2 Corinthians 3: (16) “But,” says the Torah, “whenever someone turns to Adonai, the veil is taken away.”(17) Now, “Adonai” in this text means the Spirit. And where the Spirit of Adonai is, there is freedom. (18 ) So all of us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into his very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by Adonai the Spirit.

    To encourage you the Lord has determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of his Son. He loves you. I am a cancer survivor through the grace and mercy of God. Looking forward to hold you soon.


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