Great is His faithfulness

Good evening everyone. We are enjoying our stay at Hotel O! I can’t make a comparison to any other place but our medical team has been amazing. 

Though I must admit lately some of the team members who check in on us in the morning, they just don’t know how to whisper. Now believe me I used to be in their shoes, and so it’s tricky. You need to see all your patients by a certain time to then present to the senior of your team. I think I’m either getting old, or it could be due in part to my lack of sleep, everything is super loud!

I have gotten pretty good at fixing the IV pump, that means less calls to the nurses. 

Can I tell you how much Emerson is just everyone favorite little guy, as he is throughly doted upon.

Today was a fairly peaceful day

Transfusion of platelets

   Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals to the platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage. they form a plug (clot) to fix the damage.

   *Mac’s was 4000 thus morning (150,000-450,000 is normal)

   *Mac has a big hematoma (collection of blood) on his lip, because he hit it on a bottle, and though it was a small cut all his platelets rushed there to help clot. 

Emerson caught up on a lot of 😴 today. I think all the treatment has got him pretty tired, and he just needed to rest

 The dressing was changed on his semi-permanent line

Small 🤮, and less intense 💩

Bone marrow biopsy. But why now. Well Dr. V wants to see what Emerson’s bone marrow is doing. Remember the bone marrow is:

   ✳️ the soft, spongy tissue inside your bones that makes blood-forming cells (blood stem cells). These cells turn into blood cells including: White blood cells to fight infections. Red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Platelets to control bleeding.

During the re-induction when we found out that Emerson’s leukemia was back, which really it had never left (there was still a mutation, that wasn’t know because results took so long). Well the chemo knocked all his numbers down, but they recuperated quickly and the cells that returned were blast

  ✳️immature white blood cells, that basically never mature


So plan is to do a biopsy to see the state of his marrow. If the counts are good, meaning none to little blast, we can move to transplant. If not there will be a need to continue with further chemotherapy.

In addition I will get a lumbar puncture and they will check the fluid from my spine and give me chemo through the spine. 

Now I continue to be so grateful for God’s hand in Emerson life. I admit I have been a lot more worried with the relapse and being vigilant about symptoms. I come before you all and ask if this. 


Father God, I give your thanks and praise for you are good. Although we live in a fallen world, you still desire to be in relationship with us. Lord I come before you asking that you watch over Emerson as we prepare for more testing. You have granted such strength to his body during this time of intense treatment, and I’m grateful for that. I ask that you protect him during the procedure tomorrow and allow for swift recovery. May the side effects be minimum. Jesus I ask that it is of your will for amazing results to be returned. We love you and glorify you no matter the outcome. We pray all of this in Jesus name, amen

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