Where is the light

Have you ever gone through a tunnel? Well if you haven’t it’s a great architectural effect. I mean often times a tunnel not only goes underground, but underwater. No matter how long the tunnel is, often times your radio will get interrupted due to the obstruction of the cement  that surrounds the tunnel. Often times there is the fun trick to see how long you can hold your breath until you come out on the other side.
There is often a light, literally at the other end. That may look like the sun but it may be the moon, or the highway lights.
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
-‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:105‬‬
This past week I have felt like I have been in a tunnel, and as soon as I think I see light, it grows dim. Though my heart knows that at those dim moments to cling on to Jesus, it’s hard sometimes when my brain is led into temptation to think ‘just give up, God is not going to help your son.’ Of course my heart quickly jumps in to remind me that:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you."
-‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:6‬‬

I was blessed with some of our ladies from the church ‘golden girls’. They came to pray with me and share God’s word. 
Made me remember this hymn we used to sign in the choir.
Emerson has not been doing the best. As you may know he had to be placed on nutrition through his semi-permanent line. Which at this point has improved some things: puffiness, making up for lack of nutrition through the g-tube. He continues to have emesis (vomit), however it’s mostly phlegm and currently tinged with blood. The reality is Mac is dealing with mucositis
   * painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract, usually as an adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for cancer.
Now this means, not just his mouth is affected it’s his entire mucosal lining from mouth to bottom. It looks like he has chewed through glass or something! There has been some pushback on giving him something by mouth that could potentially help with the pain, but it’s been a no go until this morning. Thank God! I’m praying it may bring some comfort, that along with the morphine he is receiving.
I can’t imagine the pain and suffering Emerson is dealing with. Though I may be tired, it’s nothing in comparison.
My prayer for today is to remind myself that there is an end to this tunnel and for just renewal of strength:
Father God, thank you for this day. I know that it’s been a rough few days, week, but I know that you will see us through this tunnel of darkness. Praise you for your steadfast love for my child and his life. May you continue to use us to glorify you. In Jesus name amen

*liver ultrasound looks good


  1. 2 Corinthians 4: (6) For it is the God who once said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has made his light shine in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Jesus Christ.

    (7) But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us. 

    (8) We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair;

     (9)  persecuted, yet not abandoned; knocked down, yet not destroyed. 

    Lyrics- Jesus You Alone

    Who is the great King of Glory? Seated on high in the heavens? Oh, Jesus You alone. You are Lord, God almighty, strong and compassionate mercy. Oh, Jesus You alone.

    Holy, all the angels cry "Holy". Jesus, You alone. Jesus, You alone.

    You set the stars in the heavens. You set the world into motion. Oh, Jesus You alone. You breath Your life in creation. You walked among Your creation. Oh, Jesus You alone.

    Worthy, all the heavens exalt thee. I can't help but sing "Worthy Is the Lamb". How my heart cries out Holy, Worthy, Jesus, You alone.


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