This post may be a short one, as a whole lot has happened in a little amount of time. So at the beginning of this week due to the astute observation of my husband of an inappropriate a/c duct, we were moved. Like they sang on the Jeffersons ‘we moving on up’. Thus room is similar to the larger room we had during a previous visit. 
Since our upgrade Mac has been vomiting a bit more, this time blood. 

Initially it was just like slight tinge in the phlegm/vomit. Well as of last night it was just about all and only blood. So much so that the on call team ordered labs and blood was transfused ( go back to 11/10/19 post, Jesus transfused all of our sins onto himself).
By morning shift change, I was attempting to help Emerson with one intense episode of vomit, that no later does his nurse walk in to help. Within the next hour there was 4 nurses helping with Mac, as he has back to back episodes of emesis: blood! 
I had it, overwhelmed with fear in that moment, as my poor child vomited uncontrollably. 
Since then he has been transfused again and received platelet. Concern at this point is for .Aspiration So if this continues we may have to make a move to the ICU ( intensive care unit), possibly intubation. 

So we are in need some prayers. Now I’m talking about 
hands in the air
on your knees
"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
-‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:26‬‬
  So remember if you don’t have the words, your moans will be heard and interpreted. 


  1. Many heart felt prayers for Emerson and his recovery. From ms. Sheryl

  2. Praying for continued wisdom for the doctors, healing and supernatural comfort for Emerson, and a peace that superpases your understanding and that this peace will guard your heart and mind. I just binged read your previous blogs and have to say, although I have never gotten the opportunity to have a deep conversation with you before, I've gotten a chance to know some of your heart through this blog. You are such an example of what going-through-the-fire faith looks like, Elizabeth. Thank you for being so transparent and so full of faith at the same time. You have shared your struggles with us while continuing to point to the faithfulness of God and that is nothing short of remarkable. We will continue to pray for you and your family and by reading the blog, I feel I am more equip to pray more specifically for you all.

  3. Lord Jesus just as you pardon the Red Sea, cause the children of Israel to walk across dry land. Over throw Pharaoh and his army, feed manna from heaven. Cause the children of Israel to wonder in the desert for 40 days and kept them. You spoke all things into existence and it was unto your likeness. I am reminding myself of your testimony and I am petitioning this very hour for the Calderon Family.

    I am coming before your throne which you gave me through your Son Our Redeemer, to ask that you would cause the vomiting of blood to cease, his skin to be restore back to him, tumor to be gone, no more pain, strength to grow for your glory, cancer never too return.

    According to Luke 8, even though death came to Jairus daughter, You said...(52)“Don’t weep; she hasn’t died, she’s sleeping.” (53) They jeered at him, since they knew she had died. (54) But he took her by the hand, called out, “Little girl, get up!” (55) and her spirit returned. She stood up at once, and he directed that something be given her to eat. (56)Her parents were astounded, but he instructed them to tell no one what had happened.

    I am believing You, just as you did for Jairus, you would do it for Emerson. I thank you for your Word, Your testimony and the assurance you heard my pleade.

  4. Let the CHURCH say AMEN from Ms.Sheryl


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