Persistent prayer

Good morning
It has been a few days since my last posts. During that time I was a bit frustrated with all the changes that was going on. It was as if someone had tied my arms behind my back and pushed me into the water, and yelled ‘SWIM’! The reality is often times when the Lord has placed you in a season in which you will struggle through a trial of sorts, well He is asking you to trust Him. You see Emerson’s life was chosen before I even knew him. I often think if I do something enough times it will work in my favor. 
My husband knows this all too well, when it comes to doing things in around the house. I often hound him so much that eventually he completes that task. Beauty in all of this is that since I’ve been here in hospital, my husband has picked up the reigns and does things without me having to ask. As always I will be honest. 
2 years ago my method would have been in the form of nagging
Now, my method is as follows: bring it to the foot of the cross. Allowing Christ to handle it. 

Now we look at this parable from Jesus, my sister actually shared this with me the other day. She could see that my heart has been stirred, negatively. You see, satan had planted a lie, against what God was working at.
This widow was persistent
* continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Now this widow wanted justice for her adversary (opponent). Now it does not state, what this adversary has done. Now the judge did not fear God, and he obviously did not care what others thought. Yet even he understood and knew that God would bring justice to those who cried out to Him. 
Have I been crying out? Haven’t you? With that said justice has been granted to Emerson. 
Possible discharge first thing tomorrow morning. 

Father God, all praise be to you. Thank you for always having your ear open to hearing the persistence not only a mother caring for her child, but many others who love this child, Emerson, and his family. I am so grateful for your presence here at the hospital, for the healing and mending to Mac’s body. May you grant us protection in health as we prepare to transition home. In Jesus name


  1. “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3).
    May we all be as quick to cry out to Him. Thank you Lord for granting this hope of sweet relief.
    Praise God - Amen!


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