Abide and Ask: because of faith

  Good morning. As you might have noticed we didn’t write yesterday. As you may have read Mac’s weekend was not much fun. Filled with fevers and lots of vomiting. 
The planned chemo and lumbar puncture (LP), were put on hold.
The plan now is for it to occur this morning, pending lab results and the fact that Emerson didn’t have any fevers yesterday. 
It was a pretty great day overall. They have changed some things up
put zofran (for nausea) as needed, and placed him on reglan
 *does make his tummy more uncomfortable and he has got the 💩
stopping vancomycin (antibiotic) since he has had no fever 
   *well temperature has been hanging out at 99.5
still on fluids through his port
checking weights, twice a day (currently @6.93 kg)
lots of yelling in discomfort: not sure why➡️tummy or physical pain

I will admit when Mac was crying inconsolably earlier this morning it was almost unbearable. I sat and pleaded with the Lord to remove whatever was ailing Mac. That the discomfort he was experiencing, that I would experience it instead. 
"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."
John‬ ‭15:7‬‬

  Now I know what your thinking: so basically God is like a genie I just ask and I get! The reality is that we as His children, when we have confessed with our mouth and believe in our hearts that Jesus is our Lord and savior, then yes we do have personal access to God. But there is no magical lamp. To be in relationship means we obey His rules and know His word. So now as I pleaded, a calm came over Mac and he slept. Was it to come that I would now suffer? I sure did hope so. The room became quiet, as I now looked upon Emerson’s face. I asked and God answered, and no he did not make this mother suffer. More likely God took the pain upon himself. 

  Now no later than a cup of coffee later, and a cuddle with daddy, I was notified by a good friend R.G., about prayer request being taken on a Christian radio station. Now I never managed to get the courage to call in for anything, but I did today. I shared Emerson’s story and guess what? Many others heard as well. Many people like you, believers, who are praying and fasting for Mac. They are asking for healing and miracles to occur, and I trust that God will bring it to fruition. 
Are you willing to ask for another? 

Father God, thank you for another day, for breath of life in my children. Lord grant comfort despite the physical ailments of Emerson’s body. Grant me strength as his mother to keep my eyes fixed on you and trusting in your plan. May my faith be in what I have not yet seen. Amen


  1. Psalms 62:
    (5) My soul, wait in silence for God alone,
    because my hope comes from him.
    (6) He alone is my rock and salvation,
    my stronghold; I won’t be moved.
    (7) My safety and honor rest on God.
    My strong rock and refuge are in God.
    (8) Trust in him, people, at all times;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us.

    Lyrics - "God Is Able"

    God is able, God is able, God is able and He won't fail.

    Tell me who can make a montain move out of my way. And who can make a miracle, because of my faith. And when the doctor says no, who can still say yes. And when I'm in trouble, who's right there to help me pass every test.

    God is able, God is able, God is able and He won't fail.

    Tell me who can make a river out of a little stream. And who can tell the clouds to roll back so that the sun can look at me. And who can tell the wind to whistle through the trees. And when I'm in trouble who is the same God, that will come down and rescue me.

    God is able, God is able, God is able and He won't fail.



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