To B+ or not to B+

At this point I am sure everyone is sitting at the end of their seats eager to find out the results. Well 🥁THEY ARE NOT SURE. This is what I have come to understand in a nut shell. 
Pathology states thus far:
Cells are large
Common markers found in lymphoma or leukemia did not show up
Exactly one B-cell and one T-cell (both of these are found in types of lymphomas, but scarce in Mac’s sample)
Still additional test to be done coming Monday on the bone marrow
 *if pathologist still stumped plan to send out to others for additional review 

I know what your thinking: conundrum. Maybe a case for a Sherlock Holmes right? At this point I will say that I’m grateful that all the teams seem to be working really well with one another, so that Emerson gets the best of care. 

   Rounds were made, his oncologist on call and resident came to examine him. I was able  to see some of Emerson’s labs that were drawn from earlier that morning. Low and behold as of this morning Emerson’s blood count has dropped, now he is not actively bleeding but he apparently has some malignant process that is affecting the blood marrow. So he will have to receive a blood transfusion through his porta cath, which should take 1-4 hours. 
A blood transfusion is a routine medical procedure in which donated blood is provided to you through tubing. This potentially life-saving procedure can help replace blood. 
Now even I as a physician understands importance of transfusing. I mean despite the fact that Mac is asymptomatic at any time who could take a turn for worse. Yet I am so excited to share with you a life saving procedure that can guarantee your life to not just have fulfillment here on earth but eternally with God. 
Over 2000 years ago God sent his son Jesus, to die a wretched death. In this death all of our sins were transfused unto Jesus, him who was holy, righteous and sinless. Ultimate sacrifice!

I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me (God) has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life."-‭‭John‬ ‭5:24‬‬
Plan at this point is to keep him overnight repeat labs in the morning and determine if transfusion is needed. Mac had a great day otherwise, visitors who prayed over him (our pastor from church and even the priest from my parents church)
Well as we settled in for the evening, we got our chair-beds situated between his daddy and I and attempted to settle in. Mac has been getting Tylenol suppositories since we arrived to help with pain. Well during a viral check it was noted his HR was elevated along with his temperature. They looked to recheck it in an hour, which there was slight improvement but it was short lived as it soon elevated. 

🌋I have erupted into doctor mode at this point: STAT LABS, CULTURES, ANTIBIOTICS. I have done my very best since Emerson ‘s birth to be his advocates without it appearing like I’m telling people what to do. I know that despite my wonderful family medicine background I don’t know much about hematology/oncology issues to know all the proper things to do. My instinct to not be discharge and just ride the 🏄🏽‍♀️ is to speak. 
Orders have been placed, and now once again we wait.

Father God I come before you this evening desiring that by your healing hand you will rid Emerson of any sort of infection. That through my faith in you, if it be your will that his entire body be completely healed. May the lab results return negative results. In your name Amen

Party time: don’t we look classy 

Fun time with coloring (thank you Pounds family)


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