The night was long, but overall peaceful. Our wonderful nurse "A" is like in stealth mode, often times managing not to even wake Elvin or I when she comes in. This particular check was a bit different. I was awoken to the sounds of his vitals being taken, and told that his temperature was 101. At this moment, I sat up straight as a board, I already knew what this meant. Infection? Now feeling his little body, he literally felt as if I had just taken him out of an oven. Medication was given, suppository to be exact. If I have not explained already, Mac does not particularly care for anything by mouth, and those things include: bottles, pacifiers and medication. So I am grateful outside of the common suppository to help those of us who may suffer from constipation, there is a formulation of Tylenol in suppository.
He continued to have fever despite the Tylenol, and as this point
 I voiced concern for sepsis. The resident on call was contacted along with attending. Labs were drawn and the decision to start antibiotics was made, shortly afterward. In this moment I was totally in doctor mode, because as we still did not have any definitive diagnosis I knew that Emerson could 'go south' so to speak.
By this time it is early morning, shift change is occurring and medications have been added. Dr.F, part of the oncologist team, comes and speaks to me. Voices his concern about the fever, but also reminds me that with an underlying disease that affects the immune system it could be secondary to that vs infection. Motrin is added, oh great something by his mouth.
per oncologist
-blood count is stable, no need for transfusion
-outside of cultures being done, additional test will be done on the blood (flow cytometry, fish testing=maping genetic material) as this malignancy is in the bone marrow, and the amount of aspirate from biopsy was not quite enough
-some 'Blast' →young abnormal white blood cells were seen with pathology, which leads back to thought of leukemia
-lumbar puncture in the morning
What do you want ma?
I have gained 0.4kg since yesterday 

By early afternoon, his second dose of antibiotics are going in and he has not had a fever since. He is of course sleeping in my arms. Despite my desire to hand him off to the countless loved ones who have come to visit, he is finally sleeping and does not feel like some hot bun that I pulled out of the oven.

I want to share a word that was given to me today by a wonderful group of ladies from church. In Daniel chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar was having dreams that worried him. He made an attempt to have the following people: priest, mediums, sorcerers, and Chaldeans, interpret the dream. He Initially felt they were procrastinating, but they admitted that he was asking for too much and that it could not be mortal man who would understand it. Daniel ask to be given some time to figure the dream out. What does he do, well he prays.
I was reminded today that whatever is going on with Emerson could potentially be rare. Despite my understanding of science and even how medication work, I know that I serve a powerful Father. That in due time all that needs to be revealed will be.
Thank you Lord for your provisions at all time, knowing that you are unfailing and persistent in your love. May you push me and lift me when I feel weak, and may you guide those who are working on Emerson. Lord though I do not understand your workings, I trust that you will be using Mac to your glory. Amen


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